This quick sequence os stretches for swimmers will open your shoulders and strengthen your upper body to prepare you for your next practice in the pool.
"Take any article on best all-around exercises, and swimming always tops the list. It is still one of the best cardio workouts (despite all the bright shiny workout theories popping up everywhere); it builds long and lean muscle mass. (Swimmers are used to pulling their own weight, literally.); and it is a great endurance sport." - Amy Mitchell, US Masters Swimmer and Yoga Teacher
Curious about how and why you Amy added yoga to her swimming regimen? Check out this blog post!
Stretches for Swimmers: Low Lunge Variation
Start by getting into the groin while simultaneously feeling the shoulder space. You will also benefit from a hamstring stretch here!
Stretches for Swimmers: Forward Fold with a Shoulder Opener
This multi-tasking pose targets the hamstrings and the shoulders – perfect for swimmers!
Stretches for Swimmers: High Lunge with Tricep Stretch
Strengthen and tone the lower body while finding a nice tricep stretch.
Stretches for Swimmers: Eagle
Eagle Pose is a compression posture so squeeze your muscles tightly into the midline! When you release the pose, your body will receive a fresh supply of newly oxygenated blood which promotes recovery by improving circulation. You will also open the shoulders in this pose.
Want a free video tutorial for eagle pose? Click here!
Stretches for Swimmers: Child's Pose with a Twist
A restorative posture that promotes relaxation and recovery, sink back into your hips as you do some deep shoulder work.
Stretches for Swimmers: Extended Puppy
Lengthen through the back line of the body in extended puppy pose; send your hips high as you reach as far as you can towards the end of your mat.